Friday, August 3, 2007

Handmade Jewellery That Sells

Different folks, different strokes. What I like may not be another person's cup of tea. That I think is the beauty of handmade jewellery. You'll always have a market that shares your taste and likes your stuff. From girly, grunge, pop to bling - so many styles of handmade jewellery. That's the fun. Same beads, same tools, different output. What do you like? Just make it and who knows it could be your bestseller.


Handmade Jewellery Copyright Issues

Surfing the net tonite, I read ramblings from other people who sell handmade jewellery on copyright issues. Natural to be upset when others copy your works and price it lower. Unethical. Sad. Bad. Some overseas designers even refuse to post images of unique work for fear of this happening. Worse, some of this scumbags pass off the works as their own and copyright them so that the original creators cannot recreate them. Sigh!

On the bright side though, whatever creativity that is in you is uniquely yours alone. So the handmade jewellery designs that you can come up with are infinite. Unlike copiers! Creativity reigns.


Handmade Jewellery Business - An Excuse To Indulge

Yes I admit. Pretty stuff makes my eyes sparkle. And the perfect excuse to buy even more is I need it for the business! Now with bead shops popping up all over the island - it's getting more convenient to buy anything your heart desires. Handmade jewellery can be addictive. Once inspiration strikes, time simply flies. It's so engrossing that making one piece is just not enough. More variation in colours? More elaborate? The possibilities are endless. Naturally I need MORE pretty beads, cystals, etc. There's simply no stopping! After all I'm in business - I sell handmade jewellery. Yeah. Really.

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Jewellery Handmade With Loving Care – A Positive Bonus

Why buy handmade jewellery? Other than the obvious benefit of wearing something unique that is not mass produced, a positive bonus that not many people think of is the power of good “karma” – I am using karma for a lack of the proper word to use.

Years ago, when I was learning Raja Yoga, the guru mentioned the power of positive thinking. Thinking good thoughts for doing something as simple as preparing a meal infuses the person eating the meal with good. That’s why I still believe home-cooked food especially those prepared by mom is not only nutritious but powerful because it is made with love.

That’s why I personally think, wearing handmade jewellery that is made by a person who enjoys making it not only gives you pleasure in wearing it – additionally you get a positive bonus – never found in factory pieces!

And in fengshui terms, crystals that reflect the light turning them into a rainbow of colours attract good “chi”. My friend’s collection – Belle – only uses Swarovski crystals simply because nothing sparkles like quality!

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Handmade Jewellery – A viable business?

Yes making jewellery can be fun but turning it into a business can be daunting. An easy first step is always selling to friends and family who are usually supportive and will encourage you by buying a few pieces.

Push-cart sales are also another reasonably priced option. Costs of rental for this fluctuates dependent on location. Downside to this is the physical hours involved in manning the push-cart and the worry of lost goods when taking toilet breaks! :)

Of course, since I am attending an internet course AND need to do homework there is no better reason to “help” my talented friend create another avenue to sell her pieces. At a later stage when my internet skills are better, I will start taking pictures and posting items for sale. Watch out for it! Her collection is called Belle and it features Swarovski crystals and rhodium. Good stuff!

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