Friday, August 3, 2007

Handmade Jewellery – A viable business?

Yes making jewellery can be fun but turning it into a business can be daunting. An easy first step is always selling to friends and family who are usually supportive and will encourage you by buying a few pieces.

Push-cart sales are also another reasonably priced option. Costs of rental for this fluctuates dependent on location. Downside to this is the physical hours involved in manning the push-cart and the worry of lost goods when taking toilet breaks! :)

Of course, since I am attending an internet course AND need to do homework there is no better reason to “help” my talented friend create another avenue to sell her pieces. At a later stage when my internet skills are better, I will start taking pictures and posting items for sale. Watch out for it! Her collection is called Belle and it features Swarovski crystals and rhodium. Good stuff!

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